Sunday, January 13, 2019

Judgements Coming Upon America

by Monique Bizet

At 5:00 am on July 24, 2018, I woke up after I had three separate prophetic visions which all tied together and all took place in high rise buildings.

In each dream, I was on a top floor and there was a person dressed in white, like in a robe, standing next to me and speaking to me, but I could not see his face.  I believe he was a holy angel.

I was in the spirit, so everything made sense. The floors were white, everything inside the apartment was white.  There were no walls around me, just windows in all directions.

Through these windows, the Lord showed me things, events coming to our nation.  I heard great explosions outside and saw a lot of smoke, like when buildings are pulverized. There was great destruction all over.

I had a microphone in my hands and I was doing a prophetic broadcast. As I was preaching, I was walking back and forth in the apartment and seeing the destruction.  There was a sense of war and great chaos and massive civil unrest.

There was great urgency and no time to waste or play, just great urgency to get the prophetic news out, to let people know and blow the trumpet so they could prepare.

Then I saw scrolls appear before me as judgment declarations with lots of scriptures on papyrus type paper, they were very holy.  The scrolls had bold letters in the center like a heading and lots and lots of scriptures. 

There was more than one, so several decrees of judgment. I knew what the scrolls meant and what each scripture was and they had to do with great divine judgments coming upon the nation.

My assignment was to take the Gospel out and declare the Word and the prophetic news with great urgency.  All three dreams repeated the same topic in the same night.

When I woke up, the Lord said to me:
Very strong judgments are coming.  Prepare Yourselves! Let My people know to get ready to get their houses in order and to repent from their wicked ways and return to Me with their whole heart.
Please pray and intercede for this Nation like never before, great distress and destruction is coming! Blessings to all brothers and sisters.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Vision: The Fall Of Babylon

by Monique Bizet

I was shown a prophetic vision of the Statue of Liberty. It looked old and rusty. I saw great storms above with dark clouds.

Then I saw an invasion of many parachutes coming down upon the city. Suddenly, I saw the head of the statue fall off and into the water. That was the end of the vision.

I believe the head of the statue falling off represents the fall of America and the fall of Babylon. I share more details regarding this vision is my 27-minute video shown below:

The Rider On The Black Horse

Dream by Dusanka Petrova

"I saw something in the sky that looked like a dark cloud; but very soon it appeared to be a man riding a horse. Both the horse and the man were black. In the dream, the rider on the black horse was galloping through the sky. I watched him through the window of the house where I was staying.

The rider stopped over a mountain, also black, which I could also clearly see through the window. The rider began to pour out something that looked like flaming sparks on the mountain, turning the mountain into a volcano that spewed dark ash. The dark ash began to spread as a wave over the small town underneath it and destroyed all the houses and vehicles in its’ way.

With great awkwardness I watched that dark cloud, as it approached at high speed to the house where I was. I became aware that the dark cloud had come to my house, but I did not feel any quake, nor sound, nor any devastating effects. It seemed that the dark wave of destruction sort of passed over my house and went further on."

I think God gave me a very important warning dream, an announcement of the intensification of the birth pangs with increased hunger and pestilence in the world coming as a result of intensive natural disasters now happening all over the world (floods with strong winds, hail, landslides, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.).

Although I saw how that dark cloud was approaching towards me and my house, I did not experience any fear, disturbance, nor was my house moved. I interpret this as a sign (announcement) that God will protect those who are in Christ.

In the Bible verse in Rev. 6: 5,6 wheat, oil, and wine are mentioned, which are symbolically related to Jesus (Jesus is our Heavenly Bread, the wine is His Blood, and the oil is the Holy Spirit, the Comforter and the Spirit of the Truth, Whose temples we are. So, all of us who are in Christ, are going to be protected, but under the conditon that we remain in Him.)

Also, Psalm 91, gives us a beautiful picture of how God protects His people, who see God as their Fortress and Shelter, so that neither the pestilence neither the arrow nor any affliction will touch them, and God’s people will see with their own eyes how the other (ungodly) will fall and will be destroyed by the tribulations sent to Earth and the sinful mankind.

5 When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.
6 And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Earth Beginning To Flood

by Lorie Richards

I woke up to a dream this morning... I was a passenger, riding down the highway. It was a clear sunny day. I looked to the left and saw the ocean. The waves started to swell and pushed past their normal boundaries. They came closer and closer and then the water flowed up onto the road.

Then, I looked to the right, where there was land. Again, I saw waters racing towards me. The waters rushed across the land, overtaking trees that were in its path.

I knew, in my spirit, that the earth was flooding. I thought about the earth and how it is now. Just like in the days of Noah, "The earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence..." (Gen 6:11)

"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." Matt 24:37-39

Jesus' return is near...are you Ready?
"Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming..."
(Matt 24:42)

(Original dream 03/2014)


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