Saturday, May 11, 2019

"I am a Holy God, and I require Holiness. Did you think America’s wickedness would not be exposed ..."

by Matt Smith

For the last two weeks, the Lord has had me reading and He has been speaking into my life the entire 139th Psalm. But today, He told me to go inside and write.

Being obedient, I did what He commanded. You can read the entire Psalm 139 for yourself, but verses 23-24 go with the main theme of what He spoke to me.

23 Search me O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts;
24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23-24)

The word God gave me is recorded below. With any word given through me, take it to the Lord for yourself to see if it is from God.

“Many are not ready for what I will soon do in this land. There will be an event where many lives will be lost. They are not ready. They think they are ready, but there are not ready.
I am a Holy God, and I require Holiness. Did you think America’s wickedness would not be exposed to the World? I expose all sin. There is not a sin a man can commit that I do not see and know about. If a man tries to hide sin in his heart, I see it and I will expose it. No man can say I did not give them the opportunity to repent from their sin.

Even while you are contemplating sin, I know it. Many people think they are saved, but they are not because they refuse to repent [turn away] from their sin. I, the Lord, see everything. I know your heart, and true intentions. I know your coming and I know your going. I know every word spoken out loud, and in your heart.

What is this lie you say, ‘It is just a little sin?’ If you sin and do not repent and you die in your sins, you will surely be found in hell.

When this sudden event comes and many die, people who thought they were saved will be found in everlasting torment, where there is no ending. Events and judgments are coming upon this land, with greater magnitude. The next major event will involve the destruction of a city. From there on, I will allow whole cities, and parts of cities to be taken out in the wrath of my judgment.

Tell My people this, ‘If you are not right with Me today, and you perish, you will not have a second chance to get right with me. Your punishment will be everlasting.’
Time is short, many of you mock My prophets and watchmen. But soon, I will silence your mouth permanently.

What is this you say? ‘These things are not coming. I have more time. The American military will save me and so will a President?’”

Thus says the Lord, “As surely as I live, no military, no president, or human can save you. My son Jesus is the savior for the whole world. For you say, it’s not coming, but the Lord says it shall surely come, and you will get a double portion of My wrath for mocking My prophets and watchmen.

Rape and roving gang violence will come to this land, and in that day both a woman and a man will say, ‘Have your way with me, but give me bread to eat in return.’ The day will come when a man will be assassinated for a can of beans, and clean water.’

For those of you who play church, I will soon pull down the curtain on your act. I am a God that shall not be played with. I am Holy, and Mighty. I am the Holiest of the Holies, I am the Mightiest of the Mighty. When I speak a word, it happens. If you think you are saved, and you have not kept My commandments, on that great and dreadful day, you will find out how saved you are.”

God says, “Come back to Me and repent daily. I required the pastors to teach holiness, and many have been slacking and not doing what I have commanded them. Thus I, the Lord, will blot them out of the Lambs Book of Life. But, to all the pastors who have taught Holiness, I, The Lord, will remember them, and great is their reward.

I the Lord say, ask of Me and, see what you are doing to displease Me. I will surely tell you. I desire no man should perish, but the sin in this land is causing your own death. Turn from your wicked ways. For if a man repents at the last minute, and dies, it is better for that man than a man who chooses to sin at the last minute and dies. I, the Lord God, say, come back to me and keep My commandments and you will be found in right standing with me. I am the Lord God, and My Holiness is supreme.”

It is important to understand, God didn’t tell me when the event would be or how the city would be destroyed. It could be from an earthquake, dirty bomb, or a day of Jihad in which the city is burned to the ground. Also, when God said, “the next major event,” please keep in mind He is determining this as major, not me. Events like what happened in San Bernardino CA or the Pulse night club in Orlando FL will not compare to this event. I understood the magnitude of this event as He was speaking to me.

I encourage everyone to give your life to Jesus today, Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.

(October 19, 2016)

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