Sunday, November 12, 2017

Man Will Long For The Days Of Peace, But It Will No Longer Be Found.

by Krista West

"Little one, Oh how the mighty are falling! Do they think I do not know what they do under the cover of darkness? Man’s schemes of wickedness shall be revealed!

I have heard the cries of my little ones and I shall act on their behalf! I will no longer hesitate! The time has come for the sons of God to be revealed. All of creation has been groaning in expectancy for this moment. Am I not a God who judges the deeds of My creation? All that has been made dark shall be destroyed!

I AM WHO I AM. My word shall not return to Me void. The times spoken by the prophets are NOW. We have entered the age of fulfillment. All that is not built upon Me, the rock, is set to be destroyed!

Great earthquakes and weather events unlike the world has ever seen await. They shall fall like dominoes, one occurring after the other. Man will long for the days of peace, but it will no longer be found. Peace comes from Me alone. All that remains shall be set on the rock of Jacob."

Scripture References:
“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Luke 8:17 NIV)

“Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the LORD, who do their work in darkness and think, “Who sees us? Who will know?” (Isaiah 29:15 NIV)

“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” (Romans 8:19 NIV)

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11 KJV)

Saturday, November 11, 2017

"America Will Crumble. It is My Will. I Will Establish it."

by Nelson Lee

On August 3 2016, I received the following word from God for the United States of America.

“Thus says the Lord, My hand of vengeance is upon this land. My hand is upon the church and my hand is upon the fields. Your harvests will fail. My hand is in this election. I will accomplish My will for My glory. I will not be mocked – whatsoever a nation sows, so shall it reap.
The US has sown destruction – it has sown violence – debauchery – lasciviousness – and sin. It will reap that reward. I am the Lord, I will not be mocked. My name will be exalted in all the Land.
America will crumble. It is my will. I will establish it.”

Then today, August 19 2016, while I was praying for our nation, the Lord led me to Psalm 124. I could not remember what it said and I felt the Lord prompting me to end my prayer time and read it and meditate on it. So I did.

I was puzzled by the following words in verse 1.

“If it had not been the LORD who was on our side…” (Psalm 124:1)
I had just been praying about mercy during judgment and this verse seems to indicate that God is on our side and protects us. I knew this could not be what God was showing me, so I read on. It was then that God, in His infinite mercy to the feeble minded, gave instruction through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

I summarized Psalm 124 as I see it applying to the U.S. and how it relates to judgment, which was the subject of my prayer. When a people reject the Lord, He gives them up (Romans 1:18–32). He makes them available to the enemy and allows the following things to happen:
  • A people to rise up against them (Psalm 124:2)
  • A people to have their anger kindled towards them (Psalm 124:3)
  • Judgment to come by being overwhelmed through natural and man-made calamity (Psalm 124:4-5)
  • They are ensnared by a trap laid by the enemy (Psalm 124:7)
  • They do not escape the trap (Psalm 124:7)
  • They are given as prey to the teeth of the enemy (Psalm 124:6 and 124:3a)
  • They are swallowed whole…while alive…and they will go down the throat and into the stomach of the enemy kicking and screaming in hopelessness (Psalm 124:3a)
All of this paints a scenario that is being played out before us as the United States has rejected the Lord. He has allowed our enemies to rise up in fierce anger (think of the hatred towards us in the Islamic world). God has darkened our understanding (as He promised in Romans 1:21). Our wisdom as a nation, which can only come from the Lord, has departed from us. This causes our leaders to make unwise decisions (such as the Iranian Nuclear Deal). Without this wisdom, this Word from the Lord, we perish as a people (Proverbs 29:18; Hosea 4:6).
It’s important to remember the sequence here:
  1. A nation forgets God
  2. An enemy is raised up
  3. A trap is set
  4. The nation who has forgotten God flies blindly into the trap and is ensnared. There is no escape.
  5. The fowler (the enemy) comes at some point in the future…not necessarily on the day the trap is laid…and seizes their prey…and completely devours that nation.
  6. That nation is swept away by the flood of God’s judgment. It is swallowed alive and whole.
  7. It’s destruction is certain.
We must remember the last verse: “Our HELP is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 124:8)

Unless THIS nation heeds the advice of this last verse, our enemies, which are numerous and increasing in number day by day, will swallow us whole. This is our only hope. The only hope for escape from the trap set by the enemy is nation-wide repentance, remembering the Lord our God and trusting in Him.

It’s hard to remember Him when our lives are so filled with stuff and things and events that distract us. The enemy has made sure we are distracted. He’s put a desire in our heart to do ANYTHING…but pray and seek God. We’ve set up so many idols in our lives, even things that seem worthy of pursuit (such as our kids extracurricular activities), that we’ve barely ten minutes a day for the Lord, on a good day.

Ten minutes, or less, for the Lord in a 1,440 minute day is pure idolatry. We’ve convinced ourselves that we love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30) – but that’s a lie…and we know it.

Jesus said: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34. What is your treasure? Where is it hidden? Is it your kid’s sports? Is it your “girls/guys night out?” What is it that keeps YOU from giving the Lord more than .7% of your time when you claim to love Him with the whole of your being?

Until we, as a church and a nation remember that God is on the side of those who diligently seek Him, we will fall prey to the trap set by the enemy and our enemies. This starts with each and every one of us making a commitment to say “ENOUGH!” I will no longer rob God of my time. I will destroy the idols I worship and take down the “high places.”

Pastors, listen to me. You are so very quick to warn your congregations about robbing God of treasure. STOP! What you need to be doing is warning EVERY INDIVIDUAL (Colossians 1:28) to stop robbing God of TIME. It seems to me that as long as the treasure keeps coming in, you believe all is okay. I rebuke that thinking in the name of the Lord. Do you not realize that if the spirit of a man is aligned with God and that man gives Him his time…that treasure follows? How blind are we to put the cart before the horse?

Give me one hundred men that don’t rob God of their time over one hundred that don’t rob God of their treasure…ANY DAY…and TWICE on Sunday. With one hundred giving men I can build a building and put some nice programs in place. With one hundred praying men God can change a nation.

Say NO to the idols that rob you of time with your Lord.

Friday, November 10, 2017

The Coast Lands Will No Longer Be A Refuge

by Krista West

Yesterday, I was just starting to watch a documentary called “Chasing Coral” about the changing ocean when the Lord had me sit down to write this word.

“Little one, they call it climate change, but do not be deceived by labels. My seas are showing signs of the end of the age. The plants and animals are dying as a wake up call! I have sent these signs as a warning.
My people must repent and humble themselves before Me before it is too late! The oceans will never again be a place teeming with animals and income. The world is wearing out and you are about to see things that cannot be explained by science. The scientists are befuddled because they seek to explain the Earth without Me! They do not have eyes to see or ears to hear, so they remain in a constant state of wonderment. They shall remain this way until the end of the age!
No longer will patterns be apparent. The Earth is set to reel on its axis. The heavens will be shaken and the tides will change. The ocean will be a source of great fear and destruction. The coast lands will no longer be a refuge. Those near the sea, listen to My voice! I AM the only refuge and peace in the days to come. Move where I say move. Stay where I say stay.
I have loved you with an everlasting love. It is not My desire that any of My people should perish, but that they should repent from their evil ways and live. SOUND THE WARNING, WATCHMAN!

Scripture References:
There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. – Luke 21:25

The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls–never to rise again. – Isaiah 24:20

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, look at the earth beneath; the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never fail. – Isaiah 51:6

People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. – Luke 21:26

The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” – Jeremiah 31:3

Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?’ – Ezekiel 33:11

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9


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