Sunday, June 17, 2018

North Carolina Flooding

by Elizabeth Marie

On May 28th, 2018 I heard this message while praying:

“There will be plenty of destruction that will come, each localized. These will wake up My children who are still sleeping. Destruction is coming to North Carolina, sudden and swift.”

I then asked, “LORD, what kind of destruction is coming to North Carolina?” (because that is where I live)

I heard, “Floods and tsunamis.”

I live in North Carolina and thought I lived in a ‘safe zone.’ However, at the end of March this year, the LORD told me VERY CLEARLY to leave, and told me where to relocate. I am actively now trying to sell my house.

HE also told me HE is setting up ‘safe zones’ now all over North America. This is just the BEGINNING of many of HIS people relocating. I was also told by the LORD, in a message, that I was to help facilitate people relocating in the days ahead. So I have started a SAFE HAVEN NETWORK for those who have heard from the LORD to relocate, or from those who are actual Safe Haven Owners. These places will be supernaturally protected by the hand of GOD. They are like ‘the wilderness’ in Exodus, where the LORD did many miracles to provide for HIS children.

Then on the next night, May 29th, 2018 I had a dream-vision. Flashing in front of my eyes was a large cross made of red poppy flowers. There was also three black poppies in a row down the front of the cross.

Then I received this ‘word:’


I don’t know if these two prophecies were related or not. However, we know that that the red and black poppies are a reference to death because they symbolize the remembrance and consolation for a loss of life. It is one of the flowers that is used for Veteran’s Day to remember those who gave their lives up for their country.

Though we will continue to see these disasters in the U.S. increase, we must not forget that OUR LORD is a gracious, and long-suffering GOD. HE is the GOOD SHEPHERD, who will go and rescue that one lost sheep that has gone astray. Pray for those that have lost their way and that they will WAKE UP and REPENT. Consider these judgments as the rescue that is needed to turn back a few back to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

I can’t emphasize this enough — the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is a loving GOD and wishes that NO ONE would perish. HE is our HEAVENLY FATHER who longs for a true relationship with us based on love and commitment. HIS anger/discipline lasts only for a moment, but HIS kindness, a lifetime!!
For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalms 30:5)
P.S. While writing this article, the LORD started speaking to me concerning what is coming. Here is what I heard:
“What happened to Baltimore is only a taste of what is coming, if the people don’t repent. This is a serious — a wake up SHOUT to all who will hear! REPENT NOW …..or the ‘shakings’ and the ‘floodings’ will increase. Tell MY people to pray or their communities will also be affected. I speak through MY prophets and watchmen to sounds the alarms. Blow the trumpet high on the mountain so many will hear! The time is at hand for the judgments to increase!”

Saturday, June 16, 2018

“Flooding coming to the east coast of America… all the way to Raleigh Durham, North Carolina.”

by Kate Troutman

The Lord showed me more about North Carolina. It was the first time He spoke about this to me. I had a dream where an angel handed me a scroll and on it were lots of news articles and pictures. The pictures were alive. It was as if we were there looking at it live, but it was on the scroll.

My daughter and I were in our living room reading it when Jesus began to narrate and explain to us what it all meant. We read so many things in the scroll, but I only retained two of them when I awoke. The first was about North Carolina being flooded. My daughter and I were reading an article about it that said,
“Flooding coming to the east coast of America. It will flood all the way to Raleigh Durham, North Carolina.”
That was where I lived at that time. All of my life, that was our home. Even though the scroll identified the east coast of America, I’m sure it was more than that because I knew the Lord was showing me what was specific to my area because He was telling me to move. This was before I received another dream regarding the Ozarks and Smokey mountains.

I read printed on the scroll, three fourths of the people would die as a result of the flooding. I don’t know if that was in North Carolina only or the east coast. After we read that, Jesus appeared at my side and began explaining things to me. I don’t remember everything He said, just two articles, one about the North Carolina flooding and another about terrorism coming to America on levels we have never seen before.

As Jesus spoke, He began telling me many people were going to die and those who survived would do anything to survive, that they would become very violent.

The next thing He explained to me was about the first article we read on the scroll, which was about terrorism in America. The picture underneath the article had a man in a cage and the terrorist had set him on fire. I saw this happening live, like it was really happening right before our eyes. The man was screaming and his eyes were so desperate. He was pleading for help.

Then the Lord told us it was going to become very violent in America, not just with terrorism. Jesus said it wouldn’t be safe to go to the grocery store.

In the dream, He had my daughter say to me, “What are we going to do mom?”
I replied, “This is why we have all of this food. We are going to go to the mountains like Jesus told us and hide there. We won’t go out and no one will ever know we’re there.”
Then Jesus started talking to us again asking, “Do you understand Katie why men are going to become so violent?”
I answered, “No Lord, why?”
He said, “It is because the spirit of antichrist is going to rise in man’s heart.”

Then I woke up. Then, about three months later, He showed me where to go. In a dream, I was shown the Ozark and Smokey mountains. Then He gave me more info on the flood.

We tried to postpone moving because my husband wanted to wait. I was so scared because I knew what God was showing me. There’s way more than that, but I knew I had to submit to my husband’s authority, so I just prayed and we agreed to wait. We canceled our moving plans and our new place.
That night after canceling, we prayed before bed and asked God for confirmation as a couple.

That night, I had dreams all night long about the same thing…..a flood coming to North Carolina. I saw the flood waters come and people were running for their lives, including me. I ran with my elderly mother in a wheelchair. We received only thirty minutes warning to run to higher ground. I ended up at a crossroads, trying to make a decision whether to go or not. Then I heard the Lord say, “The flood is coming sooner than people think.”

In the first dream that night, I saw a written letter from God and it was signed, “Love, God.” In the letter, He gave me instructions on what to do and told me to move immediately.

I know what Christopher Harris saw in his recent dream is from God. I’ve seen it over and over again too much to write. So many people have seen it, yet people still mock and laugh in disbelief and refuse to listen to God or His warnings. People get angry because they don’t want to hear it. I’m so scared for what those people will have to go through. I intercede for them every single day, praying in their behalf that God would wake them up and they would listen to His warnings and move to a safe place.

God has sent His warnings through so many people, but He’ll tell each of us personally so we can know for ourself where to go. These things are found in in the holy place, past the crowds of people and the chaos of the day. Seek the Lord with all your heart while He can still be found. Come before our Holy God and cry out to him and He will save you. It doesn’t mean we won’t walk through hard times, but we can be spared from some of this.

The flood hasn’t come yet. The door to the ark is still open wide. The power of His spirit can move you to the top of a mountain and you can walk in victory with your Lord and savior. With God all things are possible. We just have to surrender our agenda and conform to His plan for our lives and heed His warnings. He gives them for a reason.

What if Lot didn’t want to relocate?


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